X Japan will Start over !!
OH MY GOD....Awesome..Band. So touching Voice..
But Hide was died....it's little regreting.
Needles are piercing through my skin
I'll tell you the feeling what it's like
(It's like just all well deception)
It's opening a part of the fairy tale
But desire, to play with my own will
Should I trade/drain the breath of my life for freedom
(In the rain) I'm calling you, dear
(Fight the pain) Can't you see me standing right here
(Feel my pain) Life is bleeding from fear
(Find its place) I will give it straight from my vein
This river red like gushing bound
They say as if it takes me somewhere
Just let me swallow the) (love is bleeding) injection
river will rush into my head, my love
I've played with this game before
To find a piece of my true self. I'm lost within
(In the rain) I'm calling you, dear
(Fight the pain) Can't you see me standing right here
(Feel my pain) Life is bleeding from fear
(Find its place) I will give it straight from my vein
I'm feeling my way
To fearless dismay
Keys to a victory, of the world
And when it shows, blood's shone its plight
casting another shadow of pain
forever fades away
I'm calling you, dear
Can't you see me standing right here
Life is bleeding from fear
I will give it straight from my vein.
(In the rain) I'm calling you, dear
(Fight the pain) Can't you see me standing right here
(Feel my pain) Life is bleeding from fear
(Find its place) I will give it straight from my vein
X JAPAN復活演唱會 15萬張門票被秒殺
更新日期:2008/02/25 20:01 影劇中心
忍了十年的「X JAPAN」樂迷,爆發的結果就是秒殺15萬張東京巨蛋門票!即將於3月28、29、30日三天在東京巨蛋舉辦復活演唱會的X JAPAN,24日上午10時正式開始販賣門票,結果三天共15萬張的門票在短短幾秒內就瞬間售磬,威力相當驚人!
X JAPAN從去年起就進行一連串的復出計畫,雖然到目前為止僅有「I.V.」一首網路限定販賣的新歌,但還是讓等待十年的樂迷開心不已,也因此復活演唱會共三場15萬張門票瞬間被秒殺則理所當然,至於先前日本外電所提到X JAPAN今年還有亞洲巡迴演唱會的計畫,根據了解台灣已經有主辦單位正在接洽中,至於是否可順利成行?樂迷們只能靜待佳音。